shipping contury list & shipping fee & free shipping policy

Free Shipping Policy
For local orders in Taiwan, free shipping is available for orders over NT$2000. Pickup at convenience stores costs NT$69, and home delivery by post costs NT$80.

For international shipping, free shipping is available for orders over NT$2500, NT$3000, or NT$4000, depending on the distance. The amounts are detailed in the table below.

List of International Shipping Countries
(Updated on November 28, 2024, delivery is available to any country that the post office can reach.)

shipping fee calculate by weight ($Ntd) $Ntd
Country 0.5kg 1kg 1.5kg 2kg Free shipping on orders over this amount
China 華南、東南 140 150 200 255 2500
Hong Kong 140 150 200 255 2500
Macao 140 150 200 255 2500
China 其他區域 190 195 275 355 2500
Malaysia 170 225 280 335 2500
Guam 145 235 325 415 2500
South Korea 220 260 300 340 3000
Singapore 220 275 330 385 3000
Philippines 230 275 320 365 3000
Thailand 240 295 350 405 3000
US Hawaii 180 300 420 540 3000
Brunei 240 310 380 450 3000
Qatar 245 330 415 500 3000
Maldives 235 335 435 535 3000
Puerto Rico 205 355 505 655 3000
Cyprus 265 370 475 580 4000
India 290 370 450 530 4000
Vatican 270 375 480 585 4000
Austria 270 380 490 600 4000
Bahrain 280 380 480 580 4000
Canada 230 385 540 695 4000
Netherlands 280 385 490 595 4000
Ireland 270 390 510 630 4000
Luxembourg 285 390 495 600 4000
Denmark 280 395 510 625 4000
Switzerland 280 395 510 625 4000
Germany 300 405 510 615 4000
Poland 290 410 530 650 4000
Australia 310 415 520 625 4000
Turkey 315 415 515 615 4000
Saudi Arabia 320 420 520 620 4000
Laos 345 420 495 570 4000
Israel 320 425 530 635 4000
United Arab Emirates 335 430 525 620 4000
Indonesia 340 430 520 610 4000
Portugal 305 435 565 695 4000
Hungary 320 440 560 680 4000
Spain 320 440 560 680 4000
New Zealand 340 440 540 640 4000
north korea 350 450 550 650 4000
Morocco 320 455 590 725 4000
Czech Rep 340 460 580 700 4000
Slovak Rep. 340 460 580 700 4000
VietNam 360 460 560 660 4000
Iceland 330 470 610 750 4000
Iran 325 475 625 775 4000
Greece 345 480 615 750 4000
Sweden 350 480 610 740 4000
Japan 425 480 535 590 4000
Panama 355 495 635 775 4000
United Kingdom 380 495 610 725 4000
Guatemala 385 525 665 805 4000
Belgium 400 530 660 790 4000
Finland 400 540 680 820 4000
Peru 405 550 695 840 4000
Mongolia 460 560 660 760 4000
Egypt 455 570 685 800 4000
Mexico 435 580 725 870 4000
Monaco 460 580 700 820 4000
Venezuela 440 585 730 875 4000
Norway 455 585 715 845 4000
Italy 480 585 690 795 4000
Nicaragua 410 590 770 950 4000
Chile 455 600 745 890 4000
Estonia 460 605 750 895 4000
Kazakhstan 460 605 750 895 4000
Russia 460 605 750 895 4000
France 480 605 730 855 4000
US 500 605 710 815 4000
Brazil 480 630 780 930 4000
Argentina 500 680 860 1040 4000